Verace Business Assistance. For Your Business and Your Team
Strategic, Financial and Personal Development solutions to unleash your organisation's true potential

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Strategic, Financial and Personal Development solutions to unleash your organisation's true potential
Our vision is to help NFP organisations and SME businesses grow and evolve into the best versions they can be.
How we work
We deliver operational and commercial strategic support, hand in hand with personal development, leadership evolution, managing change and conflict resolution.
Our approach is tailored to each client from light-touch adv
Our vision is to help NFP organisations and SME businesses grow and evolve into the best versions they can be.
How we work
We deliver operational and commercial strategic support, hand in hand with personal development, leadership evolution, managing change and conflict resolution.
Our approach is tailored to each client from light-touch advisory support aimed at helping leaders to help themselves, to long-term projects working across organisational structures and hierarchies.
A hugely experienced and capable coach, mentor and leader, expert in delivering transformational change and leadership/team development. Fiona is also a qualified mediator, with over 30 years of relevant experience working all over the world with major organisations, sometimes in hugely challenging environments. Her clients include Anti S
A hugely experienced and capable coach, mentor and leader, expert in delivering transformational change and leadership/team development. Fiona is also a qualified mediator, with over 30 years of relevant experience working all over the world with major organisations, sometimes in hugely challenging environments. Her clients include Anti Slavery International, West Midlands Fire Service, as well as Save the Children International and the Centre for Humanitarian Leadership.
What I can offer clients:
I can bring to your organisation over 30 years of skills and experience in building teams, enabling people to be the very best they can, and hence perform at their highest levels. I work with individuals, teams, departments and divisions, within and across organisations, to bring about transformational change in a positive and sustainable way.
I use my own experiences and learning in my work, and draw down on the learning from others, meaning that I can adapt my approach to different situations. I can make myself fit your needs in relation to staff satisfaction and wellbeing through a person-centered approach to my work.
How I work:
I am an individual with high levels of integrity who values honesty, commitment, authenticity, determination, collaboration and creativity, along with the enjoyment of life through hard work and humour.
I believe in the potential of individuals and strive to enable people to grow, develop, and reach that potential. I have an empathetic, person-focussed approach in my work with individuals, and with teams, and base my interactions with others on strong coaching and mentoring experiences.
As an experienced leader both in the UK and internationally I work well under pressure, supporting those around me to also perform to their highest levels. I have a unique set of experiences from holding senior positions in both operational and strategic roles and am very well respected for the work I have carried out in the aid sector over the last 3 decades.
I have directly led teams of over 60 people and have been responsible for a workforce of over 2,000 in countries such as Afghanistan, South Sudan and Yemen; I have directly managed budgets in the region of GBP 5 million and been responsible for budgets of over GBP 120 million; I have led workstreams in relation to the development of global initiatives and have successfully led multi-stakeholder change processes, and have carried out all this work through the lens of my values.
I am a calm and considered decision maker, acknowledging that these can sometimes be questioned when more information becomes available and / or the situation changes. I am comfortable with this and strive to course-correct in a timely way.
I enable the building of people, and the building of teams, to be the very best they can for the organisations in which they work. I have directly influenced the development of a positive culture, based on mutual respect and collective responsibility, in the teams, departments and organisations I have worked for. I have worked with a strong focus on the wellbeing of staff as believe this is fundamental to the success and sustainability of organisations.
‘Constant improvement’ is an approach I follow throughout my personal and professional life. I have learned the importance and benefit of being reflective, and standing back to see the bigger picture, and learn from what is happening in the ‘doing’ side of things. This enables me to identify where improvements can be made, including the very small ones even when things are going well. As a human being I make mistakes and work hard to learn from these to ensure I don’t make the same mistake twice. I also pro-actively share my mistakes, along with what I learnt from them, with others to reduce the risk of them making the same mistake I have made, whilst appreciating that everyone will make mistakes as part of their development.
Following 25 years experience as a Managing Director, since 2018 Mark has focused on working with SME owner/managers and leadership teams. Concentrating on understanding the personal and business goals and working with the team to devise strategies for achieving these. Mark works as an NED, outsourced FD, and also as a business consulta
Following 25 years experience as a Managing Director, since 2018 Mark has focused on working with SME owner/managers and leadership teams. Concentrating on understanding the personal and business goals and working with the team to devise strategies for achieving these. Mark works as an NED, outsourced FD, and also as a business consultant depending on the needs of the client. Mark combines face to face consultation, team workshops, and company financial and performance data to create powerful strategies for success.
What I can offer clients:
My greatest asset is being able to distil 27 years direct experience of being a managing director and business owner into the time I spend with my clients. Before any engagements start, we conduct a preliminary diagnostic process, designed to identify and prioritise client requirements.
I have enjoyed many successes and endured some challenging and difficult times along the way, and it is often the so called failures that teach us the most valuable lessons. I take great pleasure in helping business owners and managers to avoid some of the pitfalls that line the route to progress.
I am equally comfortable working 1-2-1 with C.E.O.’s or facilitating boardroom activity in my role as a non-executive director.
As a business consultant, I listen carefully to business owners concerns and challenges, and work with them to rationalise, prioritise, and create powerful strategies for excellence, personally, professionally, and for the business.
I work as an outsourced Finance Director for many clients, providing regular reporting, forecasting and insight into the business management information using proprietary VFD-pro software in conjunction with their own accounts system. This work is often linked to creating pitch documents for bank lending or investment partners, and I have secured many £ millions for my clients, ensuring the appropriate type and levels of funding are in place.
I also work with clients on exit planning and have helped several owners with change of ownership/disposal through EOT’s, Sale of shares to 3rd parties, MVL’s, mergers, MBO’s.
Apart from finance, I am often asked to get involved with business strategy
As an impartial observer with a lot of experience, it is often possible to challenge leadership teams and business managers, and offer insight into potential new methodologies, or the benefits of changing up current processes.
A lot of my work with business owners, is as a coach and a mentor, and I find this work is very enjoyable and rewarding.
Non Executive Director
As a non-executive directors (NED) or trustees in the NFP sector, we provide independent oversight, strategic guidance, and constructive challenge to the executive management of a company.
Overall, our roles as a non-executive director are multifaceted, encompassing strategic guidance and planning, corporate governance, stakeholder management, executive oversight, and financial oversight responsibilities to ensure the sustainable success of the organisation.
If you'd like to find out more about if an N.E.D./trustee appointment might benefit your organisation, click the learn more button below.
Business Consulting
As business consultants our role can vary based on the nature of the consultancy and the client's needs.
We begin with a diagnostic process to assess our clients needs and objectives.
We collect and analyse relevant data, typically financial information, operation and process data, and market trends. This helps us to understand the business and make informed recommendations.
On from this we are engaged in strategic planning and problem solving, using a range of tools and techniques, to develop innovative solutions and actionable advice.
Each company will present with different needs and objectives and we apply a bespoke approach to our work, working with owners and executives to identify, prioritise and action key levers for change within the organisation. We are transparent about the kind of results we hope to achieve for the business.
Outsourced Finance Director
As outsourced Finance Director (FD) we provide financial leadership and strategic guidance to businesses without the need for a full-time, in-house finance executive.
Responsibilities typically include planning the financial strategy and managing risk for the business, accurate and timely reporting, development and measurement of the financial KPI’s of the business, forecasting and managing cashflow and working capital, keeping abreast of regulatory compliance, and providing strategic advice, performance reviews and providing detailed scenario modelling and analysis.
Coaching and Mentoring
Coaching and mentoring are distinct but related processes, each with its own set of key responsibilities.
Coached and mentored staff teams are proven to benefit in the following ways:
More productive, less stress, better able to manage change, develop a cohesive culture with shared and collective responsibility for success. Altogether less niggles, cliques, politics within the organisation.
Key Responsibilities of a Coach:
Goal Setting: Assist individuals or teams in setting clear, achievable goals that align with their personal or professional development.
Skill Development: Identify areas for improvement and provide targeted coaching to enhance specific skills or competencies.
Feedback and Performance Evaluation: Offer constructive feedback on performance, helping individuals understand their strengths and areas for improvement.
Guidance and Support: Provide guidance and support in navigating challenges, offering insights and strategies for overcoming obstacles.
Action Planning: Collaborate with individuals to create action plans that outline steps toward achieving their goals.
Accountability: Hold individuals accountable for their commitments and actions, fostering a sense of responsibility and ownership.
Motivation: Motivate and inspire individuals to reach their full potential, maintaining a positive and encouraging coaching relationship.
Communication Skills: Possess strong communication skills to effectively convey ideas, provide feedback, and ensure clarity in coaching sessions.
Key Responsibilities of a Mentor:
Relationship Building: Develop a trusting and supportive relationship with the mentee, based on open communication and mutual respect.
Knowledge Sharing: Share experiences, insights, and knowledge gained throughout one's career to help the mentee learn and grow.
Career Guidance: Offer guidance on career development, including advice on career paths, decision-making, and navigating professional challenges.
Networking: Introduce mentees to relevant professional networks and contacts, facilitating opportunities for career advancement.
Personal Development: Support the personal and professional development of the mentee by helping them identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth.
Role Modelling: Serve as a positive role model, demonstrating professionalism, ethical behaviour, and effective leadership.
Listening and Empathy: Actively listen to the mentee's concerns and challenges, showing empathy and understanding.
Encouragement: Encourage the mentee to set and pursue ambitious goals, providing motivation and reinforcement.
Both coaching and mentoring contribute significantly to the growth and development of individuals in various professional and personal contexts.
As mediators we act as a neutral third party to facilitate communication and negotiation between parties in conflict, with the goal of reaching a mutually acceptable resolution.
Mediation is being used much more in organisations to save money and time. In mediation the people in dispute have agency in the process and the resolution.
Our responsibilities include;
Impartiality, ensuring that all parties feel they are being treated fairly.
Promoting open and constructive communication between the parties involved in the conflict.
Active Listening, demonstrating empathy to understand the emotional aspects of the conflict and help participants feel heard and validated.
Analysing the underlying issues and interests contributing to the conflict. Identifying common ground and areas of disagreement to guide the mediation process effectively.
Help the parties clarify their issues, ensuring that all involved have a clear understanding of the underlying problems and concerns.
Assist parties in setting realistic and achievable goals for the mediation process. Establishing common objectives that can guide discussions and negotiations.
Facilitating the generation of multiple options for resolution. Helping parties explore potential solutions that meet their needs and interests.
Guide the negotiation process by helping parties consider the pros and cons of different solutions. Assist in finding compromises and alternatives that address the core issues.
Reality Testing: Encourage parties to assess the feasibility and practicality of proposed solutions. Help them consider the likely consequences and outcomes of different options.
If an agreement is reached, assist parties in drafting a clear and comprehensive agreement that reflects the terms they have agreed upon, ensuring the document is mutually acceptable and legally sound.
Follow-Up: Depending on the nature of the dispute, the mediator may follow up with the parties to ensure that the terms of the agreement are being implemented and that the resolution remains satisfactory.
Gareth Owen O.B.E. (Humanitarian Director SC)
A wise person very close to me once whispered, “if Save ever gets the chance to hire this person don’t hesitate.” When the chance came, Save did not hesitate, and the humanitarian team’s standing was instantly enhanced. A new relentless human energy had arrived - The energy’s effect was profound – what was once the unique attitude of an insurgent minority became culturally embedded within an incumbent majority.
Fiona is so authentically, unapologetically human. So in touch with her own soul and all the countless other souls her energy has touched. (She is) wise, caring, straightforward, creative, solutions-focussed, expert, pragmatic, can-do, solid good sense, respected and admired, calm under pressure, dedicated and passionate, empathetic, humble, genuine, driven, indefatigable.
Helen Alviti (Entities Manager, SC)
Thank you so much Fiona for being such a wonderful manager, team mate, boss and all round good egg. You've been such an inspiration to me and the rest of the team.
Evy Bauwens (Entities Officer)
Thanks for creating such a wonderful team, in which I have been so happy over the past few years.
I hope we cross paths again, I'll take care the best I can of the entities, for which you've done so much, as well as keeping up the culture you've championed.
Rowan Johnson (Change Manager / West and Central Africa Programmes Manager)
Fiona, I have learned so much from working with and alongside you, and feel incredibly privileged to have done so. Your contributions to the world of humanitarian action are incredible – you’ve always worked with compassion and foresight.
Leonie Lonton (ex-SC)
Fiona, Legend, super colleague, friend and mentor!
How lucky have Save the Children and the CHL been to have had you on the team ...and how much have you given to so many others who have benefitted from your service and passion for developing others. You put the human back into humanitarian .
Gwil Purchase (Innovations Lead) Save the Children UK
It has been a pleasure to know and work with you. You bring such a raw energy, humility and authenticity to everything you do. You are a force to be reckoned with, when needed, but always in the commitment of helping those less fortunate.
Geitee Janjua (HR Director SC)
I feel so privileged to have known you and worked with you at SCUK. The work that you do and the passion with which you do it, is inspirational. There is so much that I learned from you. It's been an absolute pleasure working with you and I know we will all miss you.
Adam Berthoud (Global Programmes Director)
You made a huge difference - shaping the organisation's humanitarian work to where it is today, a difference in the lives of your colleagues that you supported and mentored, and a difference in the lives of children in some of the most challenging contexts around the world.
Jessica Saule (Food security and livelihoods lead)
You have been such a source of inspiration over the years. Thanks for your passion, energy, humanity and fairness.
Gwen Hines (CEO)
Huge thanks for everything that you've done over the years. You are a total star!
Arantxa Oses (SC Spain):
I have learnt a lot from your honesty across a range of processes. I feel that you have always been a principled and fearless person, committed with all of us, no matter if we are experienced or junior, working for a big or a small member.
Liz Hughes (CEO Map Action)
You've been a brilliant advocate for MapAction, and it has been truly fantastic to have your guidance, advice and wise words. Thank you.
Alan Mills (Map Action Director)
Thanks so much for all the support you have given MapAction over the years, particularly exposing our teams to the practical work of humanitarians on the ground to inform our information management training.
Lucile Brethes (Head of Start Fund, Start Network)
I felt truly privileged working with you for the entities and then at Start. I have learnt so much from you. You are for me a real role model of feminine leadership.
Suzanne Lynne (Start Network COO)
Dear Fiona, A huge thank you from me and all of Start Network for the role you have played in supporting us to become a truly independent organisation.
I will miss you and although you leave your legacy in safe hands, I hope we have the opportunity to work together at some point again in the future.
Lucy Hall (Monitoring Evaluation Accountability and Learning Advisor, Humanitarian Leadership Academy)
Having someone in HD standing up and championing wellbeing, inclusion, equity and diversity in the way you do, and showing what it means to have leaders listen and learn, has been really powerful for me, and you are definitely someone I look up to.
Gillian Moyes (Deputy Country Director SC Yemen)
Fiona! You have been a huge part of my journey and have had a greater influence on me that you probably realise. The team was so very grateful for your energy, experience and support, and I appreciated your solidarity in crisis a few weeks later. I know teams in South Sudan, Yemen and many other places have also benefited from your clarity of vision, leadership and humanitarian soul and as a result their work for children has been strengthened
Pete Walsh (Global Safety and Security Director)
Hey, Fiona the Incredible
Thanks for every bit of support you have provided me and many, many others, you’ve been simply incredible.
Robbie McIntyre (Global Media Unit)
From the moment I joined the humanitarian department your commitment and integrity has been something to massively look up to. Beyond that, I will always appreciate how incredibly supportive you were during some tough times - it meant an awful lot.
Vicky Thornton (Projects Manager)
Fiona, you struck me as an incredible force when I first met you and that feeling has not changed. Thank you for everything, and for your candid and driven insights, always!
Rachel Pounds (Director Emergency Health Unit)
Fiona you are a legend, your common sense, no-nonsense attitude and commitment have been key in strengthening SCs humanitarian work and personnel globally. I have found you to be an inspiring leader and humanitarian and very much appreciate the guidance, collaboration and CEF
Jeremiah Kariuki (Global Surge team member)
This has been a journey with you in SC. You were there from day 1 when I came for interviews and you had been there all through my growth within SCUK. A great mentor and support. I can't have enough words for appreciation for that support.
Philippa Hill (Save the Children Accountability to Children lead)
Your straightforwardness, pragmatism and ability to bring insights from responses back to members/global work will be sorely missed.
Alle Dasgupta (Global Expertise and Humanitarian Surge Platform Deployment Manager)
Fiona!!! You were part of the original Humanitarian team when I first started with Save the Children, I could see straight away you were someone that everyone on the team respected so much and always looked up to. So calm under pressure, dedicated and passionate about the work we do and with a great sense of humour on top of that. I learned so much from watching the way you work, you are going to be so greatly missed but I am sure you are going on to do something equally amazing.
Alan Barclay CEO Absolute Music Solutions Ltd
It's a very very personal service that we get from our contact, Mark; he goes above and beyond. It's outside of the framework, he really tries to get under the skin of the business and understand it. It's given us a better understanding of our management structure and how to identify areas of improvement. Mark is always communicating, and he's put me in touch with two or three other companies; so where it's been identified that a service is required, he's been able to make a really helpful recommendation.
June Rock CEO Dancing Daisy Ltd
I like the positive attitude, the confidence, the way proactive approach, and how they make you stop and actually think about what you're doing and where you're going; that helps you to make decisions about what you're doing next. It's quite early days but it has benefited my business already as it's made me more confident in what I'm doing. I have used a business coach in the past and this is 100% better; Mark is much more helpful, more proactive, and I didn't find a coach hugely successful. I probably should have had an advisor like Mark rather than a coach.
Lee Hill CEO Insightful UX Ltd
It was the individuals that we were working with who shone for us; they were very hands on, very pragmatic, and quite happy to challenge things. The process is quite methodical, and it's pointed us in the right direction, helping to clarify certain elements. We were planning for our next financial year and there were a variety of things we could have done, but they helped us to focus on the right things to help us grow.
Dan Griggs Owner and Managing Director – The Funky Peach
We recently attended a Verace workshop. We had high hopes for the day as we have done previous sessions with the Verace Team but it exceeded all expectations. The room was filled with likeminded local businesses and we were encouraged to share our wins and losses, this was a very honest format and allowed us to open up and really discuss our strategies in detail. We read all of the books and listen to the podcasts available online but nothing beats getting stuck into a hands on workshop environment. The team were on hand to guide and give insight on each of the areas that we discussed. We came away from the workshop with renewed energy for the business and a real understanding of our immediate and long term goals. From the summary guide we received a few days after the workshop we have already begun actioning some of the key points that the Verace team felt we could do with addressing. Roll on the next one.
Rona Tompkins R&A Fabrications Ltd
I like the fact that Mark has gotten deeply involved in my business and looked at things that we had let slide. He's getting the business focus right. He's helped me to tweak the prices making us more profitable.
Matt Black Owner and MD Hangover Hill Ltd
Mark and his team are an essential part of my company.
His advice is always insightful and has formed the basis of many positive moves my company has made over the past few years. His 'Outside the box' capacity for problem solving is a large reason for his success in this field of work - his is your ally and an important part of your success as a result.
Jack Heaslip MD Grassio Ltd
Mark is a great coach, business adviser and mentor to myself. He has passed on his wealth of experience in operations, logistics, negotiations, business structure and planning which has been invaluable in the development of my business. I can't speak highly enough of Mark, I would recommend without hesitation.
Matthew Smith Managing Director Inspire Home Automation Ltd
Mark has been a great asset to our company this year. He has taken the time to understand what we offer and has not only provided expert knowledge to help drive our business forward, but has also got involved to provide assistance when required. If you are looking at taking your business to the next level, then Mark should be the first person you call.
Tina Edwards MD and co-owner Singlepoint Bookkeeping Ltd
I am still not sure if magic has been performed but the whole team are more grounded, less stressed, know exactly who to talk to and it’s now not me. There are several stages before it gets to my responsibility so I can now focus on my role in the company.
Tracey O Connell Head Lawyer & Founder Lawpoint
Thanks so much for getting in-side my busy head and helping me straighten out my thinking. Thank you also for challenging me and my thinking, which is what I wanted and needed. Without your help, I do not feel I would be able to see things in the way that I now do. You have given me wings J. Thank you.”
Richard Morris Owner Signs Express Bournemouth
Working with Mark has helped to satisfy my mind that I'm not crazy and I do understand what I need to do. I used him based on the relationship of meeting Mark; he seemed to have a lot of personal knowledge, and I liked the fact that he was honest about having big ups and downs in business.
If you are local to us why not pop in for a coffee and a chat
42 Archway Road, Poole, BH14 9AZ, United Kingdom
+44 7467 952352 Mark +44 7894 915221 Fiona
Open today | 09:00 – 17:00 |